

u V key set

Tapping the V key displays keys for inputting single-character variables, and changes the

Vsoftkey to I. You can tap this key to toggle between V and the default 9 keyboard. Tapping the Ekey switches to a key set for inputting upper-case single- character variables.



As its name suggests, a single-character variable is a variable name that consists of a single character like “a” or “x”. Each character you input on the V keyboard is treated as a single- character variable. To input multiple-character variable names like “ab” or multiple-character strings, you must use the alphabet (abc) keyboard. For more information, see “Using Single- character Variables” on page 1-6-12.

For information about the Dkey that appears in the lower right of all of the math (mth) keyboard key sets, see “Using the Answer Variable (ans)” on page 2-2-2.

kUsing the Alphabet (abc) Keyboard

In addition of the initial alphabet (abc) key set, you can also select from among three other key sets, within alphabet (abc), named M(character symbols), n (mathematics symbols), and S(extra symbols).

u Initial alphabet (abc) keyboard key set

This keyboard is for inputting lower-case alphabetic characters. Tap Lto shift the keyboard or Eto caps lock the keyboard when you want to input upper-case characters.

Note that the initial alphabet (abc) keyboard uses the qwerty key arrangement, which is similar to a computer keyboard. You can also change to an azerty or qwertz arrangement. See “15-9 Specifying the Alphabetic Keyboard Arrangement”.