Before Trying to Draw a Statistical Graph
u Draw
To do this: | Select this option: |
Draw the graph using the StatGraph setup of the current tab | On |
Not draw the graph using the StatGraph setup of the current tab | Off |
Tap the down arrow button, and then select the graph type from the list that appears.
To draw this type of graph: | Select this option: |
Scatter plot | Scatter |
xy line graph | xyLine |
Normal probability plot | NPPlot |
Histogram | Histogram |
MedBox | |
ModBox | |
Normal distribution curve | NDist |
Broken line graph | Broken |
Linear regression graph | LinearR |
MedMed | |
Quadratic regression graph | QuadR |
Cubic regression graph | CubicR |
Quartic regression graph | QuartR |
Logarithmic regression graph | LogR |
Exponential regression graph (y = a.eb.x) | ExpR |
Exponential regression graph (y = a.bx) | abExpR |
Power regression graph | PowerR |
Sinusoidal regression graph | SinR |
Logistic regression graph | LogisticR |
Tap the down arrow button, and then select the name of the list (list1 through list6, or a list name you assigned) that you want to use for
•You need to specify only an XList in the case of
Tap the down arrow button, and then select the name of the list (list1 through list6, or a list name you assigned) that you want to use for
•Specify a YList in addition to an XList in the case of