Sequence Application Overview
Sequence Application Menus and Buttons
This section explains the operations you can perform using the menus and buttons of the Sequence application’s windows.
kSequence Editor Window Menus and Buttons
| To do this: | Select this Omenu item: |
| Configure settings for all applications | Settings |
| Display the soft keyboard | Keyboard |
| Display the Sequence Editor window | Sequence Editor |
| Display the Table window | Table |
| Display the Graph window | Graph |
| Display the Sequence RUN window | Sequence RUN |
| Start up the Main application | Main |
| Close the currently active window | Close |
Edit Menu |
| |
| To do this: | Select this Edit menu item: |
| Cut the currently selected object and place it | Cut |
| onto the clipboard* | |
| |
| Copy the currently selected object and place | Copy |
| it onto the clipboard* | |
| |
| Paste the current clipboard contents onto the | Paste |
| screen | |
| |
| Select all objects on the screen* | Select All |
| Clear the active window | Clear All |
*These commands are available only for line edit operation when the Graph or Table window is active.
Type Menu
To do this: | Select this Type menu item: |
| an+1Type a0 |
Specify the type of expression you are inputting | an+1Type a1 |
when the [Recursive] tab is displayed | an+2Type a0, a1 |
| an+2Type a1, a2 |