Program Command Reference
Syntax: ExpToStr<expression>,<storage variable name>
Function: Converts the result of an input expression to a string and assigns the string to the specified variable.
Syntax: NumToChrn,<storage variable name>
Function: Converts numeric value n to the corresponding text character(s) in accordance with the character code table, and assigns the character(s) as a string to the specified variable. For information about character codes, see Appendix page
Syntax: NumToStr<value>, {"Fix <integer from 0 to 9>"}, <storage variable name> "Sci <integer from 0 to 9>"
Function: Converts a numeric value to a string of the specified format, and assigns the resulting string to the specified variable.
Example: NumToStr 1.234, "Fix2", x
Syntax: StrCmp"<string 1>", "<string 2>", <storage variable name>
Function: Compares "<string 1>" and "<string 2>" (character code comparison) and assigns the resulting value to the specified variable.
•Returns 0 when "<string 1>" = "<string 2>".
•Returns 1 when "<string 1>" > "<string 2>".
Syntax: StrInv"<string>", <storage variable name>
Function: Inverts the sequence of a string and assigns the resulting string to a variable.