
Using the Action Menu


Function: Returns a matrix that combines two other matrices.

Syntax: augment (Mat-1, Mat-2 [ ) ]

Example: To combine the two matrices [[1,2] [3,4]] and [[5,6] [7,8]]

Menu Item: [Action][Matrix-Create][augment]


Function: Creates an identity matrix.

Syntax: ident (natural number [ ) ]

Example: To create a 2 2 identity matrix

Menu Item: [Action][Matrix-Create][ident]


Function: Creates a matrix with a specific number of rows and columns, or replaces the elements of a matrix with a specific expression.

Syntax: fill (Exp, number of rows, number of columns [ ) ] fill (Exp, Mat [ ) ]

Example: To create a 2 3 matrix, all whose elements are 2

Menu Item: [Action][Matrix-Create][fill]

Example: To replace all of the elements of the matrix [[1,2] [3,4]] with 3

Menu Item: [Action][Matrix-Create][fill]