Using the Action Menu
Function: Determines the limit of an expression.
Syntax: lim (Exp/List, variable, point [,direction] [ ) ]
Example: To determine the limit of e
Menu Item: [Action][Calculation][lim]
Example: To determine the limit of 1/x as x approaches 0 from the right
Menu Item: [Action][Calculation][lim]
Example: To determine the limit of 1/x as x approaches 0 from the left
Menu Item: [Action][Calculation][lim]
•This function returns the limit from the left when “direction” < 0, the limit from the right when “direction” > 0, and the limit from both sides (left and right) when “direction” = 0 or when the direction is omitted.
Function: Evaluates an expression at discrete variable values within a range, and then calculates a sum.
Syntax: Σ(Exp/List, variable, lower value, upper value [ ) ]
Example: To calculate the sum of x2 as the value of x changes from x = 1 through x =10.
Menu Item: [Action][Calculation][Σ]
Function: Evaluates an expression at discrete variable values within a range, and then calculates a product.
Syntax: Π(Exp/List, variable, lower value, upper value [ ) ]
Example: To calculate the product of x2 as the value of x changes from x = 1 through
x= 5
Menu Item: [Action][Calculation][Π]