Confidence Intervals
Command: TwoPropZInt
Description: This command obtains the confidence interval of the difference between the proportions of successes of two populations.
The confidence interval is obtained using the following expressions. The confidence level is 100 (1 – α)%.
| x1 | x1 |
| x2 |
| x2 | |||
| x1 |
| x2 |
| α | n1 1– n1 | + |
| n2 | 1– n2 | |||||||||||||
Left = |
| – |
| – Z |
| ||||||
n1 | n2 |
| 2 |
| n1 |
| n2 | |||||||||||||
| x1 | x1 |
| x2 | x2 | ||||
Right = | x1 | – | x2 | + Z |
| α |
| n1 | 1– n1 | + | n2 | 1– n2 | ||||||||||||
n1 | n2 |
| 2 |
| ||||||||||||
| n1 |
| n2 |
Command Syntax
Definition of Terms
x1 : data value (integer, x1 >0) of sample 1
n1 : size of sample 1 (positive integer)
x2 : data value (integer, x2 >0) of sample 2
n2 : size of sample 2 (positive integer)
Input Example:
TwoPropZInt 0.95,132,200,90,150
Calculation Result Output
Left : interval lower limit (left edge)
Right : interval upper limit (right edge)
pˆ1 : estimated proportion of sample 1
pˆ2 : estimated proportion of sample 2
n1 : size of sample 1
n2 : size of sample 2
n1, n2 : sample size
x1, x2 : data