
Using the Setup Menu

14-2 Using the Setup Menu

The following are the basic steps you should follow when using the [Setup] menu.

u ClassPad Operation

(1)Open any application.

(2)Tap Oand [Settings], or tap son the icon panel. Then tap [Setup].

This displays the [Setup] menu.

(3)Tap the [Setup] menu command you want: Basic Format, Graph Format, 3D Format, Presentation, or Communication.

To configure Graph Format settings, for example, tap Oand [Settings], or tap s. Next, tap [Setup] and then [Graph Format]. This displays the Graph Format dialog box.

Some setup dialog boxes contain multiple tabbed sheets like the Graph Format dialog box. Tap the tab for the sheet that contains the settings you want to configure.

(4)Use the dialog box to configure the settings you want.

For details about the settings you can configure on each of the dialog boxes, see “14-3 Setup Menu Settings”.

Some settings require specification of a variable. For more information, see “Specifying a Variable” on the next page.

(5)To close a dialog box and apply its settings, tap [Set]. To close a dialog box without applying its settings, tap [Cancel] or the button in the upper right corner of the dialog box.