
Using the Action Menu


Function: Extracts the left-side elements of an equation or inequality.

Syntax: getLeft (Eq/Ineq/List [ ) ]

Ineq (inequality) includes the “” (not equal to) relational operator. Example: To extract the left side elements of y = 2x2 + 3x + 5 Menu Item: [Action][Equation/Inequality][getLeft]


Function: Divides an absolute value expression into formulas without absolute value.

Syntax: absExpand (Eq/Ineq [ ) ]

Ineq (inequality) includes the “” (not equal to) relational operator. Example: To remove the absolute value from 2x – 3 = 9

Menu Item: [Action][Equation/Inequality][absExpand]


Function: Combines two equations or inequalities into a single expression.

Syntax: andConnect (Eq/Ineq-1, Eq/Ineq-2 [ ) ]

• Ineq (inequality) includes the “” (not equal to) relational operator. Example: To rewrite x > –1 and x < 3 into a single inequality Menu Item: [Action][Equation/Inequality][andConnect]


Function: Returns the result of the logical AND of two expressions.

Syntax: Exp/Eq/Ineq/List-1 and Exp/Eq/Ineq/List-2

Ineq (inequality) includes the “” (not equal to) relational operator. Example: To obtain the result of the logical AND of x2 > 1 and x < 0

Menu Item: [Action] [Equation/Inequality] [and]