Using the Action Menu
Function: Returns the conjugate complex number.
Syntax: conjg (Exp/Eq/List/Mat [ ) ]
•An inequality with the “≠” (not equal to) relation symbol is also included (only in the Real mode).
Example: To obtain the conjugate of complex number 1 + i
Menu Item: [Action][Complex][conjg]
Function: Returns the real part of a complex number.
Syntax: re (Exp/Eq/List/Mat [ ) ]
•An inequality with the “≠” (not equal to) relation symbol is also included (only in the Real mode).
Example: To obtain the real part of complex number 3 – 4i
Menu Item: [Action][Complex][re]
Function: Returns the imaginary part of a complex number.
Syntax: im (Exp/Eq/List/Mat [ ) ]
•An inequality with the “≠” (not equal to) relation symbol is also included (only in the Real mode).
Example: To obtain the imaginary part of complex number 3 – 4i
Menu Item: [Action][Complex][im]
Function: Expands a complex expression to rectangular form (a + bi).
Syntax: cExpand (Exp/Eq/List/Mat [ ) ]
•Ineq (inequality) includes the “≠” (not equal to) relational operator.
•The variables are regarded as real numbers.
Example: To expand
Menu Item: [Action][Complex][cExpand]