
Analyzing a Function Used to Draw a Graph

Using G-Solve Menu Commands

This section describes how to use each of the commands on the [G-Solve] menu. Note that all of the procedures in this section are performed in the Graph & Table application, which you can enter by tapping the Ticon on the application menu.

u To obtain the root of a function

Example: To graph the function y = x(x + 2)(x – 2) and obtain its root

(1)Display the View Window dialog box, and then configure it with the following parameters.

xmin = –7.7,

xmax = 7.7,

xscale = 1

ymin = –3.8,

ymax = 3.8,

yscale = 1

(2)On the Graph Editor window, input and store y = x(x + 2)(x – 2) into line y1, and then tap $ to graph it.

Make sure that only y1 is checked.

(3)Tap [Analysis], [G-Solve], and then [Root], or tap Y.

This displays “Root” on the Graph window, and locates a pointer at the first solution of the root (root for smallest value of x). The x- and y-coordinates at the current pointer location are also shown on the Graph window.

(4)To obtain other roots, press the left or right cursor key, or tap the left or right graph controller arrows.

If there is only one solution, the pointer does not move when you press the cursor key.

Result Screenshots