Program Command Reference
Syntax: StrRotate"<string>", <storage variable name> [,n]
Function: Rotates the left side part and right side part of a string at the nth character, and assigns the resulting string to the specified variable.
Description: Rotation is to the left when “n” is positive, and to the right when “n” is negative. Omitting “n” uses a default value of +1.
Example: StrRotate "abcde", DDD,
Syntax: StrShift"<string>", <storage variable name> [,n]
Function: Shifts a string left or right n characters, and assigns the resulting string to the specified variable.
Description: Shift is to the left when “n” is positive, and to the right when “n” is negative. Omitting “n” uses a default value of +1.
Example: StrShift "abcde", DDD,
Syntax: StrSrc"<string 1>", "<string 2>", <storage variable name> [,<search start location>]
Function: Searches "<string 1>" starting from the specified point (nth character from beginning of string) to determine if it contains the data specified by "<string 2>". If the data is found, this command returns the location of the first character of "<string 2>", starting from the beginning of "<string 1>".
Description: Omitting the start point causes the search to start from the beginning of "<string 1>".
Syntax: strToExp("<string>")
Function: Converts a string to an expression, and executes the expression.
Syntax: StrUpr"<string>", <storage variable name>
Function: Converts all the characters of a string to upper case and assigns the resulting string to the specified variable.