Analyzing a Function Used to Draw a Graph
u To obtain the point of intersection for two graphs
Example: To graph the functions y = x + 1 and y = x2, and determine their point of intersection
(1)Display the View Window dialog box, and then configure it with the following parameters.
xmin = | xmax = 5, | xscale = 1 |
ymin = | ymax = 5, | yscale = 2 |
(2)On the Graph Editor window, input and store y = x + 1 into line y1 and y = x2 into y2, and then tap $ to graph them.
•Make sure that only y1 and y2 are checked.
(3)Tap [Analysis],
•This causes “Intersect” to appear on the Graph window, with a pointer located at the point of intersection. The x- and
(4)To obtain other points of intersection, press the left or right cursor key, or tap the left or right graph controller arrows.
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