Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Series Hardware Installation Guide
Releases 2 - 5.2, Part Number OL-4545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006
Table 3 -2 Vibration Condition Recommendations 3-12
Table 3 -3 MGX 8850 or MGX 8850/B Rack Space Requirements 3-14
Table 3 -4 CO and PE Operating Environment Requirements 3-15
Table 3 -5 Power Specifications for the MGX 8850 or MGX 8850/B Switch 3-17
Table 3 -6 Power Consumption Calculation for MGX 8850 or MGX 8850/B Switch
Components 3-20
Table 3 -7 MGX 8850 or MGX 8850/B Required Tools and Equipment 3-26
Table 3 -8 Space, Weight, and Power Specifications for the MGX 8950 System 3-28
Table 3 -9 Vibration Condition Recommendations 3-30
Table 3 -10 MGX 8950 Rack Space Requirements 3-31
Table 3 -11 CO and PE Operating Environment Requirements 3-32
Table 3 -12 Power Specifications for the MGX 8950 System 3-35
Table 3 -13 Power Consumption Calculation for MGX 8950 Switch Components 3-37
Table 3 -14 MGX 8950 Required Tools and Equipment 3-39
Table 3 -15 Space, Weight, and Power Specifications for a MGX 8830 or MGX 8830/B Switch 3-41
Table 3 -16 Vibration Condition Recommendations 3-43
Table 3 -17 MGX 8830 or MGX 8830/B Rack Space Requirements 3-45
Table 3 -18 CO and PE Operating Environment Requirements 3-46
Table 3 -19 Power Specifications for the MGX 8830 System 3-47
Table 3 -20 Power Consumption Calculation for Cisco MGX 8830 or MGX 8830/B Switch Components 3-49
Table 3 -21 MGX 8830 or MGX 8830/B Required Tools and Equipment 3-53
Table 3 -22 Space, Weight, and Power Specifications for the MGX 88 80 Media Gateway 3-55
Table 3 -23 Vibration Condition Recommendations 3-57
Table 3 -24 MGX 8880 (14 RU) Rack Space Requirements (“Three in a Rack”) 3-58
Table 3 -25 MGX 8880 (17 RU) Rack Space Requirements (with Optional AC Power Tray) 3-59
Table 3 -26 CO and PE Operating Environment Requirements 3-60
Table 3 -27 Power Specifications for the MGX 8880 Media Gateway 3-62
Table 3 -28 Power Consumption Calculation for MGX 8880 Media Gateway
Components 3-64
Table 3 -29 MGX 8880 Media Gateway Required Tools and Equipment 3-67
Table 4 -1 Card Redundancy, Line Redundancy, and Bulk Distribution Features
per Card 4-1
Table 4 -2 Preconfigured Relationship Between PXM and SRM Cards 4-4
Table 4 -3 Preconfigured Redundancy for Cisco MGX 8850Switches 4-6
Table 4 -4 APS Connector Options and Requirements 4-19
Table 5 -1 Installation Checklist—MGX 8850, MGX 8850 /B, or MGX 8880 Systems 5-3