Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Series Hardware Installation Guide
Releases 2 - 5.2, Part Number OL-4545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006
Cisco Voice Switch Services (VXSM) Configuration and
Command Reference Guide for MGX Switches, Release 5
Describes the features and functions of the new Voice Switch
Service Module (VXSM) in the Cisco MGX 8880 Media
Gateway and in the Cisco MGX8850 (PXM45 and PXM1E)
multiservice switches. Also provides configuration
procedures, troubleshooting procedures, and Cisco CLI
configuration information.
Cisco WAN Manager Database Interface Guide, Release
Provides information about accessing the CWM Informix
database that is used to store information about the network
Cisco WAN Manager Installation Guide, Release 15.3.00
Provides procedures for installing Release 15.1 of the CWM
network management system.
Cisco WAN Manager SNMP Service Agent, Release 15.3.00
Provides information about the CWM Simple Network
Management Protocol service agent, an optional adjunct to
CWM that is used for managing Cisco WAN switches
through SNMP.
Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide, Release 15.3.00
Describes how to use the CWM Release 15.1 software, which
consists of user applications and tools for network
management, connection management, network
configuration, statistics collection, and security management.
Note The CWM interface now has built-in documentation
support in the form of online Help. On a PC, press F1
to access Help; on a UNIX workstation, press the
Help key. Alternatively, on either system you can
select Help from the main or popup menu.
Frame Relay Software Configuration Guide and Command
Reference for the Cisco MGX 8850 FRSM12 Card, Release 3
Describes how to use the high-speed Frame Relay
(FRSM-12-T3E3) commands that are available in the CLI of
the Cisco MGX 8850 (PXM45) switch.
Release Notes for Cisco MGX 8230, Cisco MGX 8250, and
Cisco MGX 8850 (PXM1) Switches, Release 1.3.14
Provides new feature, upgrade, and compatibility
information, as well as information about known and
resolved anomalies.
Release Notes for Cisco MGX 8850 (PXM1E/PXM45), Cisco
MGX 8950, and Cisco MGX 8830 Switches, Release 5.3.00
Provides new feature, upgrade, and compatibility
information, as well as information about known and
resolved anomalies.
Release Notes for the Cisco MGX 8880 Media Gateway,
Release 5.3.00
Provides new feature and compatibility information, as well
as information about known and resolved anomalies.
Release Notes for Cisco MGX Route Processor Module
(RPM-PR) IOS Release 12.4(6)T1 for MGX Releases 1.3.14
and 5.3.00
Provides upgrade and compatibility information, as well as
information about known and resolved anomalies.
Table5 User Guides and Release Notes for Cisco Multiservice Switch Products (continued)
Document Title Description