Writer: Beth Snowberger - Saved by: Fleur - Saved date: 08/17/99 1:44 AM
File name: Parrot15_RefGuide_final_0810
This section covers situations you may encounter when trying to connect
your device to other infrared-equipped devices. For problems
communicating with your desktop computer, see ActiveSync Help on
your desktop computer.
Problem Possible Cause Solution
Can't transfer files
using the infrared port. The IR devices are not
set up properly. Position the infrared ports
so that they line up and
are less than one meter
(three feet) but more than
two inches apart.
Make sure that there is
no object between the
two ports that can block
the transmission.
Adjust the room lighting.
Some types of light
interfere with infrared
communication. Try
moving to a different
location or turning off
some lights.
Set up the IR devices
properly. (See Chapter