Display Name
Once you’ve chosen a group number, give the group a name. The group name can be up to 14 characters, and will be displayed on the A1500 LCD panel.
The LCD panel will indicate whether a Speed Send entry is a group by displaying the word GROUP by the entry number.
Group Members
The Group Members list shows all of the members of the Speed Send group.
Adding a Member
To add a member to the group, select an entry in the Speed Send area on the left. Press the Add button to make that entry part of the current group. You can add the same entry to more than one group.
Removing a Member
To remove a member from a group, select the name you wish to remove by clicking on their name. Press the Remove button to remove the name from the group.
Clearing the Group
If you wish to clear all of the members from a group, press the Clear button.
Speed Send All Group #70
The Settings utility creates a special hidden group that contains all of the speed send entries you have defined. If you ever want to send a fax to all of the people in your Speed Send list, use group #70.
Copy Settings
The Copy Settings window controls how the A1500 makes copies.
Copy Type
By default, the A1500 makes normal resolution black and white copies. You can change the default copy type to three different black settings and three different color settings. Choose the type of copy you expect to usually make.
Copy Contrast
The Copy Contrast setting controls the lightness or darkness of the copy. Use the contrast to lighten or darken your copies.
Copy Settings Window
Copy Size
If you regularly scale your copies down to a smaller size, use the Copy Size setting to select the default scale. For instance, you can set the scaling so legal sized documents are scaled down to letter size when copied.
Copy Order
Normally, multiple copies are made as each page is scanned. If you want to collate your copies, or reverse the order so the first page is printed last, check these boxes.
The computer is required when collating or reversing multiple page color copies.
Paper Type
The paper type makes a big difference when making color copies. Select the default paper type used when you make color copies.
To reset all of the copy settings to the A1500 defaults, press this button.