Diagnostics information 2-17
931.01 No first hsync Replace the printhead. See “Printhead service
check” on page 2-37.
932.00 Lost hsyncs
932.01 Lost hsyncs
933.01 Printhead boost signal failure
934.00 Mirror motor lost lock.
934.01 Mirror motor lost lock.
935.00 No initial mirror motor lock
935.01 Timed out waiting for mirror motor lock
935.10 Printhead sweep error, swept through Hz range without
finding the resonant frequency
935.12 Printhead sweep error, coarse sweep state
935.15 Printhead open-loop error, check prelim amp state
935.16 Printhead open-loop error, enable amp Kp state
935.17 Printhead closed-loop error, amp Kp failed to converge
935.18 Printhead closed-loop error, enable amp Ki state
935.19 Printhead closed-loop error, amp Ki failed to converge
935.20 Printhead closed-loop error, enable offset controller
935.21 Printhead closed-loop error, load scan regs state
935.22 Printhead closed-loop error, fwd and rev capture times
differ by too much
935.23 Printhead closed-loop error, check sweep accuracy
935.25 Printhead closed-loop error, off-resonant PI effort state
935.26 Timed out on POR sweep
935.27 Exceeded maximum open loop drive level when
configuring for sweep re-try.
935.28 Exceeded maximum open loop drive level when setting
operating Hz.
Transport motor service errors
936.01 No lock detected at normal motor start Replace the main motor gear drive. See “Main
motor service check” on page 2-26
936.02 No lock detected at motor start for motor ID
936.03 No halls detected at motor start
936.04 Failed to stop within timeout
936.05 Stall detected during speed control
Error Description Action