www.dell.com/la (Latin American countries)
www.dell.ca (Canada only)
•Anonymous file transfer protocol (FTP) ftp.dell.com/
Log in as user:anonymous, and use your
•Electronic Support Service support@us.dell.com
apsupport@dell.com (Asian/Pacific countries only) support.jp.dell.com (Japan only) support.euro.dell.com (Europe only)
•Electronic Quote Service
apmarketing@dell.com (Asian/Pacific countries only) sales_canada@dell.com (Canada only)
AutoTech Service
Dell's automated support
When you call AutoTech, use your
The AutoTech service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can also access this service through the support service. See the contact information for your region.
Automated Order-Status Service
To check on the status of any Dell™ products that you have ordered, you can go to support.dell.com, or you can call the automated
Support Service
Dell's support service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to answer your questions about Dell hardware. Our support staff use
To contact Dell's support service, see "Before You Call" on page 110 and then see the contact information for your region.