U_Port Universal Port. Switch port that can operate as G_Port, E_Port, F_Port, or FL_Port. A port is defined as a U_Port if not connected or if it has not assumed a specific function in the fabric.
ULP Upper Layer Protocol. Protocol that runs on top of fibre channel.
Typical upper layer protocols: SCSI, IP, HIPPI, IPI.
Unicast Transmission of data from a single source to single destination. See also Broadcast, Multicast.
WWell-known address
As applies to fibre channel, a logical address stored on the switch and defined by fibre channel standards as being assigned to a specific function.
WWN World Wide Name. Identifier that is unique
Zone Set of hosts and devices attached to same fabric and having access permission, including RSCNs and user data, to each other. Entities inside a zone are not visible to entities outside the same zone, even if the outside entities are in another zone. Equivalent to network term virtual LAN.
Zoning A way to partition fabric into logical groupings of devices.
Zone configuration A specified set of zones. Enabling a zone configuration enables all zones in that configuration. See also Defined configuration, Enabled configuration.
Departmental Switch Models