Using Web Tools
NL Tenancies | Number of times NL_Port opens loop tenancy. |
Number of QL/Zone Inits Caused | Number of times looplet has caused |
| QuickLoop to be initialized. |
Number of Successful QL/Zones Inits | Number of times looplet has successfully |
| initialized. |
Number of Failed QL/Zone Inits | Number of times looplet failed to successfully |
| initialize. |
Number of Times Being Bypassed | Number of times looplet was not included as |
| part of QuickLoop. |
Last Time bypassed | Time that looplet was last bypassed. |
Local AL_PA List | List of AL_PAs associated with devices |
| connected to loop. |
Number of QL Init Attempts | Number of times QuickLoop attempted |
| initialization. |
Number of Successful QL Inits | Number of times QuickLoop successfully |
| initialized. |
Number of Times in Single Switch Mode | Number of times switch reverted to single |
| switch mode. |
Number of Times in Dual Switch Mode | Number of times switch operated in dual |
| switch mode. |
Time of Last QL Init | Time of latest QuickLoop initialization. |
Switch, Port Caused the Last Init | Displays number of switch, port that caused |
| the latest initialization. |
Diag | Loop Diagnostics dialog box, which enables |
| you to run loop diagnostics (requires |
| password). For more information, see Loop |
| Diagnostics Dialog Box on page |
Departmental Switch Models | |