Using Web Tools
Destination Domain | The ID of the destination domain that is described in |
ID | the lines following the ID. This information and the |
| two lines following it display for each destination |
| domain in the fabric. |
Destination’s | The WWN of the destination domain. |
Worldwide Name |
Number of Paths | The number of active paths between the destination |
| domain and the local domain. |
Path Number | The number assigned to the specific path described in |
| the table that follows this information. This |
| information and the following table display for each |
| path for which the domain described above is the |
| destination. |
Output Ports | The number of output ports on the path between the |
| destination domain and the local domain. |
Input Ports | The number of input ports on the path between the |
| destination domain and the local domain. |
Hop Count | The number of hops (interswitch links) between the |
| local domain and the destination domain. |
Metric | Metrics for traffic flow along the path. |
Flag | The flag assigned to the path. |
Departmental Switch Models | |