Instruction Manual
OCX 8800
4.Select O2 CalIntrvl (O2 calibration interval) and enter the desired time in hours between automatic O2 calibrations. Select COE Callintrvl and enter the desired time between automatic COe calibrations. To disable automatic calibration for O2 and COe, enter 0 for both CalIntrvl parameters.
5.If desired, the O2NxtCalTm and the COeNxtCalTm (next calibration time) parameters can be changed to synchronize a calibration at a specific day or time.
When setting automatic calibration times, CalIntrvl and NxtCalTm should be set so that O2 and COe are NOT calibrated simultaneously.
To select a menu item, either use the up and down arrow keys to scroll to the menu item and press the right arrow key or use the number keypad to select the menu item number.
To return to a preceding menu, press the left arrow key.
6.From the O2 CALIB PARAMS screen, select CalIntrvl.
7.At the prompt, input a time interval (in hours) at which an automatic O2 calibration will occur and press ENTER.
8.From the DETAILED SETUP screen, select COE CALIB PARAMS.
9.From the COE CALIB PARAMS menu, select CalIntrvl.
10.At the prompt, input a time interval (in hours) at which an automatic COe calibration will occur and press ENTER.