The printer’s resident serial interface can be set for RS-232C operation.
This interface has the following characteristics:
Data format
Word length: 7 or 8 bits
Parity: None, odd, or even
Stop bits: 1 or 2
Printer ready protocol: Enabled (XON/XOFF protocol set to ON )
Baud rate (bits per second): 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,
38400, 57600
When using the serial int erface as RS-232C, the av ailability of baud rates o ver
38400 depends on your computer’s hardware reliabi lit y (i ncl u di ng t he in t er fa ce
cable). EPSON does not recom m end or guarantee the use of any particu l ar brand
of computer.
Signal level:
RS-232C: Conforms to EIA
D-sub 25-pin or 9-pin connector (computer)/D-sub 25-p in. (printer)
LKtwk Rev.C
A5 size Appendix A
97/12/26 pass 0
A-12 Technical Specifications