3. Select the Details tab.
4. Click the arrow next to the Printer Port drop-down list . Th en select a
COM (serial) port.
5. Click OK to save this setting.
Using the serial interface utilityYou can use the serial interface utility that comes with your printer to
specify the port and the baud rate of your computer for the serial in te rfa ce
Your printer supports the following serial interface baud rates: 300, 600,
1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, and 57600. If you wa nt to use your
printer with a higher baud rate that is not supported by your compu ter
system, you can use the utility to match the baud rate between the
computer and the printer.
This utility may not work with all computer sys tems.
1. Type HSERIAL at the DOS prompt and press Enter. To bring up the list of
parameters for the port and the baud rate selection.
2. Select the parameters referring to the list and type the following:
C:\HSERIAL /P=n /B=m
n = parameter for the port selection
m = parameter for the baud rate selection
For example, if you would like to use the COM1 port at the 57600 baud
rate, type the following:
C:\HSERIAL /P=1 /B=576
If you need help, type the following:
LKtwk Rev.C
A5 size Appendix A
97/12/26 pass 0
A-16 Technical Specifications