Condensed (ESCP2, FX only)
Use this opti on to change cha racter spacing . Condensed
printing is useful for spreadsheets and other applications that
need to fit a large amount of information on each line.
However, 15-cpi characters cannot be condensed.
T.Margin (ESCP2, FX only)
Use this option to specify the distance from the top of the sheet
to the baseline of the first printable line. This is measured in
0.05 inch increments.
Text (ESCP2, FX only)
Use this option to set the page length in lines. The unit of
measure for this option is a 1/6 inch line.
If you change the Orientation, Page Size, or T.Margin settings,
the page length setting automatically returns to the default
setting for each paper size.
Use the automatic carriage return option to perform a
carriage-return line-feed (CR-LF) operation whenever the print
position exceeds the right margin. If Auto CR is Off, the printer
does not print characters beyond the right margin, and it does
not perform a linewrap until it receives a CR. Most software
programs take care of this f unction.
If you set AutoLF to Off, the printer does not send an
automatic line feed (LF) command with each carriage return
(CR). When you set AutoLF to On, the printer adds a line feed
to each carriage return it receives. If your text lines overprint
each other, set AutoLF to On.
Ktwk Rev.B
Reference Guide
A5 size Chapter 5
’97/12/11 DR, pass 0
Remote Control Panel Utility 5- 19