This section lists the printer commands supported in the LJ 4 em u lat io n
mode. For more information on printer commands, see Hew lett-
Packard’s LaserJet 4 reference manual.
Job control
Reset ESC E
Number of copies ESC &l#X
Universal exit language ESC%#X
Long-edge (left) offset registration ESC &l#U
Short-edge (right) offset registration ESC &l#Z
Unit of measure ESC &u#D
Page control
Paper source ESC &l#H
Page size ESC &l#A
Page length ESC &l#P
Orientation ESC &l#O
Print direction ESC &a#P
Top margin ESC &l#E
Text length ESC &l#F
Left margin ESC &a#L
Right margin ESC &a#M
Clear horizontal margins ESC 9
Perforation skip ESC &l#L
Horizontal Motion Index (HMI) ESC &k#H
Vertical Motion Index (VMI) ESC &l#C
Line spacing ESC &l#D
Ktwk Rev.B
A5 size Appendix C
97/12/10 pass 0