Chapter 5, “Remote Control Panel Utility,” describes the
printer settings that can be modified with the Remote Control
Panel utility. Read this chapter if you are not able to modify
printer settings from your softwa re.
Chapter 6, “Troubleshooting and Maintenance,” gives helpful
information for what to do if you encounter a printer error and
provides instruction s on how to maintain your pri nter.
Appendix A, “Technical Specificatio ns,” contains the technical
specifications about the printer.
Appendix B, “Symbol Sets,” lists the symbol sets available in
each emulation mode with the tables of the characters for each
Appendix C, “Command Summary,” lists the commands that
can be embedded in print jobs to control the printer. This
appendix is intended for advanced users only.
Appendix D, “Working with Fonts,” describes the steps you
need to follow to add more fonts.
Appendix E, “Co ntacting Custo mer Support,” d etails custome r
support information.
About Your Printer Your printer is the latest in EPSON’s advanced line of las er
printers. It emulates the Hewlett-Packard® LaserJet 4 (LJ4)
printer, allowing you to print using the wide variety of
software programs that support HP LaserJet printers.
The printer’s 600-dpi (dots per inch) resolution is enhanced by
EPSON’s Resolution Improvement Technology (RITech), which
smoothes the jagge d edges of diagonal lines in both text a nd
graphics. This gives your documents a clean, crisp look th at
contributes to a p rofessional ap pearance.
LKtwk rev.C
Reference Guide
A5 size Introduction
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2 Getting Started