Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.2 RAID Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
180 Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
6Click the [Set] button.
The [Create Logical Volume (Check Update)] screen appears.
When entering the same volume name as the additional volume
in the Name field (*1)
When entering an existing volume name in the Name field (*1)
*1: This item is not checked when creating two or more volumes at the
same time. Note that the volume name will be changed not to be
overlapped. Refer to "Naming rules when creating multiple
volumes" (page 722) for details.
To delete the added Logical Volumes, select the checkboxes of
the Logical Volumes to be deleted, and click the [Delete] button.
Note that free space cannot be deleted. If deletion is attempted,
an error screen is displayed.
Volumes registered in the Volume List can be renamed. When
renaming Volumes, enter the new name in the Name text box.
When clicking the [Set] button in the following conditions, an error
screen appears.
No volumes are added
When entering characters other than ASCII code (0x20 – 0x7E) in
the Name field
When entering the same volume name as the additional volume
in the Name field
When entering an existing volume name in the Name field