Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.3 Thin Provisioning Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
254 Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
6Click the [Set] button.
The [Create/Extend Thin Provisioning Pool (Check)] screen appears.
7Click the [OK] button.
Newly added RAID Groups are displayed with a yellow background.
When the [Create/Extend Thin Provisioning Pool (Updating Configuration Information)]
screen appears and the operation completes successfully, the [Create/Extend Thin
Provisioning Pool (Result)] screen appears.
When clicking the [Set] button in the following conditions, an error
screen appears.
When there are RAID Groups without configuration disks.
(RAID Groups without yellow background exists)
When the total value of Thin Provisioning Pool (TPP) capacity to
be created and existing TPP capacity exceeds the maximum TPP
capacity for each model.
When the Method for selecting disks is [Auto], the RAID Group name
is not set.
When changing the RAID Group name, click the [RAID Group No.]
link for the target RAID Group. The [RAID Group Name] can be
specified in the displayed [Create Thin Provisioning (Select Disk
Drive)] screen. Note that RAID Group name can be also changed
using the [Rename RAID Group] function.