Appendix A Screen Details
> A.28 Set SNMP Agent Environment
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
784 Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
-view: trap view
The form of Object ID is used.
Input character of SNMP agent setting item
Up to 50 characters can be input.
Up to 60 characters can be input.
Up to 60 characters can be input.
Up to 60 characters can be input.
Even when specifying multiple subtrees, a total of up to 60 characters can be input.
Up to 50 characters can be input.
Characters which can be input is as follows.
-Alphanumeric symbols [!], [#], [$], [%], [&], [_], [+], [-], [*], [/] can be used.
-Differentiates between capital letters and lower case
-Space character (0x20) (*1)
*1: The "Community" command and the "Trap" command allow entering ["] (double quotation)
when "name" includes the space character. Enclose [name] with ["] when [name] includes the
space character (example "Test 1").
In this case, this ["] is counted as one character.
Setting of device unique information
The explanation about the device is shown.
Up to 50 characters can be input.
The administrator name of the device is shown.
Up to 50 characters can be input.
The name of the device is shown.
Up to 50 characters can be input.
Installation Site
The installation site of the device is shown.
Up to 50 characters can be input.
Characters which can be input is as follows.
- Alphanumeric
- Alphanumeric symbols [!], [#], [$], [%], [&], [_], [+], [-], [*], [/] can be used.
- Differentiates between capital letters and lower case
- Space character (0x20) (*1)