Chapter 6 Settings Menu
> 6.3 Advanced Copy Settings
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
472 Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Open Volume SnapOPC+ case (S5)
(The same value as used in the device. Set to "1" if possible.)
C5:Copy capacity for SnapOPC+ [GB](*2)
N5Number of sessions for SnapOPC+ (total number of generations) (*3)
S5 [MB] = ((2 × C5 /M) + N5) × 8 [KB] /1024 (Round up decimal point)
*2: Copy capacity indicates the total capacity of SnapOPC+ copy source volumes (slices o r pa r t it i o n s )
× number of generations in a device.
• SnapOPC+ target area in copy source volume C: 200 [MB]
Number of SnapOPC+ generations: 8
• SnapOPC+ target area in copy source volume D: 500 [MB]
Number of SnapOPC+ generations: 4
Capacity of SnapOPC+ copy source = 200 [MB] × 8 + 500 [MB] × 4 = 3600 [MB]
3600 [MB] derived above is the copy source capacity C5.
*3: In this example, (N5) the total number of SnapOPC+ Sessions (all generations) is 8 + 4 = 12.
Mainframe Volume EC/OPC/REC case (S6)
N6:Number of sessions for EC/OPC/REC on Mainframe Volumes
S6 [MB] = 16 [KB] × N6 / 1024 (Round up decimal point)
6.3.6 Register Advanced Copy License
The Advanced Copy License can be registered in the ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series.
The Advanced Copy function is an optional function offered for the ETERNUS DX400/DX8000
series. It is necessary to buy a license to use Advanced Copy. By purchasing this license, the
License Label can be obtained.
The license information on the label can be registered to the ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series
using the [Register Advanced Copy License] function. When this registration is completed suc-
cessfully, the user can use the Advanced Copy function.
The calculation described above can be used for firmware versions
V10L60 and later. When using SnapOPC with the firmware versions
prior to V10L60, calculate the table size separately. For SnapOPC
table size, use formula S1 or S2 with Resolution fixed to "1".


This license registration is also required when using the [Remote Advanced
Copy (REC)] function.