Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.1 Resource Domain Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
135 Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
3Change the Assigned Domain of the Host Response, and click the [Set] button.
To set using [Set Range]
(1)Enter the first and last Host Response numbers.
(2)Select the domain to assign the specified range of the Host Responses from the list
(3)Click the [Execute] button.
(This screen is displayed when logged on the ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series in
which the Resource Domains are registered using a Total Administrator account.)
The domain for "Host Response No.: 0x000 (Default)" is fixed to
"Share". The domain for "Host Response No.: 0x000 (Default)"
cannot be changed to other domains.
If the [Execute] button is clicked in the following conditions, an
error screen appears.
-Both or one of the "From: Host Response" or "To: Host
Response" field is blank
-Characters other than hexadecimal numbers are specified in
the "From: Host Response" or "To: Host Response" field
-There are no Host Responses where the Assigned Domain
can be changed in the range specified by the "From: Host
Response" and "To: Host Response"
The Set Range setting is performed when there is at least one
Host Response that satisfies all the conditions described in
"Conditions in which a Host Response can Assign to Domain/
Change Assigned Domain" (page 109).
The Set Range setting is applied only for the Host Response that
can be changed to the selected domain. Refer to "(Supplem ent)
Changing domain of a Host Response" (page 713) fo r H ost
Responses in which the domain can be changed.