Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.2 RAID Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
228 Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
3Click the [OK] button.
Displays the [Progress of RAID Migration (Deleting Migration Session)] screen. After
the process is successfully completed, the [Progress of RAID Migration (Deletion
Result)] screen appears.
4Click the [OK] button.
Returns to the [Progress of RAID Migration (Initial)] screen.
When the [Delete] button is clicked without selecting a migration
session to delete, an error screen appears.
If the migration destination is TPP, and the used capacity of the
relevant TPP is in alarm state (exceeding "Caution" or "Warning"
threshold) after the migration has been completed, a message to
recommend expanding the relevant TPP capacity appears.
When the specified migration has already been completed, deletion
cannot be executed. A message to that effect appears. Click the
[OK] button to return to the [Menu] screen.
When the migration has been deleted or has been completed and no
RAID Migrations are in progress, a message to that effect appears.
Click the [OK] button to return to the [Menu] screen.