Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.3 Thin Provisioning Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
273 Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
4Click the [OK] button.
Formatting is started and the [Format Thin Provisioning Pool (Starting Formatting
Process)] screen appears.
When the format starting process is completed, the [Format Thin Provisioning Pool
(Result)] screen appears.
5Click the [OK] button.
Returns to the [Menu] screen.
If selecting "All Thin Provisioning Pool" as the Mode, data in the
Thin Provisioning Volume created in the target Thin Provisioning
Pool will be deleted.
A Thin Provisioning Pool (TPP) is configured with multiple RAID
Groups. A RAID Group obtains the Resource according to the
volume number, and a single RAID Group is used as a single
volume. When formatting a TPP, all the RAI D Gro ups th at
configure the TPP are also formatted. When exceeding the
maximum capacity of volumes that can be formatted at the same
time, a message to that effect appears. Wait until the current
format process is complete, and then format the unformatted area
of the TPP.