Appendix A Screen Details
> A.5 Volume List
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
687 Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Capacity (MB)
The [Capacity of the Logical Volume/Total volume] for each Logical Volume that configures
the concatenated volume is displayed.
Resource Domain No.
The Resource Domain number (0x00 – 0x07) of each Logical Volume that configures the
concatenated volume is displayed.
When the relevant volume is a Shared Resource, [-] (hyphen) is displayed.
Resource Domain Name
The Resource Domain name for each Logical Volume that configures the concatenated
volume is displayed within 16 characters.
If a Resource Domain name is not specified, the field is blank.
When the relevant volume is a Shared Resource, [Share] is displayed.
RAID Group No.
The RAID Group number for each Logical Volume that configures the concatenated volume is
RAID Group Name
The RAID Group name for each Logical Volume that configures the concatenated volume is
If a RAID Group name is not specified, the field is blank.
[-] (hyphen) is displayed.
TPP Name
[-] (hyphen) is displayed.
When Resource Domains are not registered, or when logged on using a
Resource Domain Administrator account, the [Resource Domain No.] and
the [Resource Domain Name] are not displayed.