Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.4 Host Interface Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
371 Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
7Click the [OK] button.
The [Set Affinity Group (Updating Configuration Information)] screen appears. After the
process is successfully completed, the [Set Affinity Group (Setting Result)] screen
If there is no valid Mapping information, the background of the
Affinity Group is displayed in gray. Clicking the [Set] button
deletes the Affinity Group.
If you click the [Affinity Group No.] link in the Affinity Group List,
the LUN Mapping List of the Affinity Group No. is displayed in
another window.
The Affinity Group which has no validated Mapping information is
deleted. The Affinity Group to be deleted is displayed with a gray
background in the [Affinity Group List] field. Note that it is NOT
displayed in the [Affinity Groups to be Deleted] field.