Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.2 RAID Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
215 Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Migration Destination RAID Group Requirements
A RAID Group which is not used or a RAID Group with an Open Volume, Snap Data Volume,
or Snap Data Pool Volume created
A RAID Group that is not registered in the Thin Provisioning Pool
If volumes are created in the RAID Group, the number of volumes in the RAID Group is less
than 128
A RAID Group that is not registered as the REC Disk Buffer
If a RAID Group is not used, [DVCF Mode] is [OFF] or [-]
The [Status] of the RAID Group is [Available] or [Present]
The RAID Group is not blocked
The unused capacity of the RAID Group is equal or larger than the volume capacity of the
migration source (*1)
Not the RAID Group to which the migration source volume belongs
The RAID Group is not in the LDE process
The migration destination RAID Group is in the same Resource Domain as the migration
source volume (*2)
Migration Destination Thin Provisioning Pool (TPP) Requirements
The [Status] is [Available]
The TPP capacity is equal or larger than the migration source volume capacity (*1)
The migration source volume capacity is smaller than the maximum TPP capacity for each
Not the TPP to which the migration source volume belongs
The migration destination TPP is in the same Resource Domain as the migration source
volume (*2)
If the migration source is an encrypted volume (*3), the encryption status of TPP is
*1: When the migration source is a Thin Provisioning Volume, the migration source volume capacity
indicates the Used Capacity (physical capacity allocated from TPP).
*2: When the Resource Domain is registered, RAID Migration can be performed between the migration
source and the destination RAID Groups or TPPs that are assigned to the same Resource Domain.
When the migration source volume is a Shared Resource (in which the Resource Domain is "Share"),
RAID Migration can be performed when the Resource Domain of the migration destination RAID
Group or TPP is also a Shared Resource.
*3: When the migration source is a Thin Provisioning Volume, the encrypted volume is a Thin
Provisioning Volume that is created in an encrypted TPP.