Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.2 RAID Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
192 Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
4Click the [OK] button.
The [Set Snap Data Pool (Check SDPV Deletion Progress)] screen appears.
The [Set Snap Data Pool (SDPV Deletion Result)] screen appears after completing the
scheduling for deletion or forcible deletion.
When clicking the [Set] button in the following conditions, an error
screen appears.
When the Individual Selection is selected, and no SDPV to be
deleted is selected.
When Range Selection is selected, and From: Logical Volume#
field is not entered.
When the Range Selection is selected, and characters other than
numeric or alphabetic characters [a] – [f] or [A] – [F] are entered in
the From: Logical Volume# field.
When the Range Selection is selected, and To: Logical Volume#
field is not entered.
When the Range Selection is selected, and characters other than
numeric or alphabetic characters [a] – [f] or [A] – [F] are entered in
the To: Logical Volume# field.
When the Range Selection is selected, and there is no SDPV to
be deleted between From: Logical Volume# and To: Logical
Volume #.
When the Individual Selection and Normal mode are selected,
and "scheduled for deletion" SDPV is selected.
When the Range Selection and Normal mode is selected, and all
the SDPV to be deleted between From: Logical Volume# and To:
Logical Volume# is "scheduled for deletion".
Click the [SDPV] link in the [Logical Volume List] to display the list of
copy sessions and SDVs using the relevant SDPV ( [Set Sn ap Data
Pool (SDPV session list)] screen).