Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.4 Host Interface Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
310 Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
(3)Click the [OK] button.
Returns to the [Set CA Parameters (Initial)] screen.
For OCLINK detailed settings
(1)Select the following item and click the [Set] button.
-OS Kind
Fujitsu 1
The destination host runs on a Fujitsu OS.
This is used when the OS can recognize and control the Logical Control Unit (LCU).
Fujitsu 2
The destination host runs on a Fujitsu OS.
This is used when the OS cannot recognize and control the Logical Control Unit (LCU).
-Port Mode
Select the desired port mode for the OCLINK Port.
Note that the [CH] type port mode is not supported and cannot be selected.
The [Set CA Parameters (OCLINK Detailed Settings Check)] screen appears.
(2)Click the [OK] button.
The [Set CA Parameters (Updating Configuration Information)] screen appears.
When the process is successfully completed, the [Set CA Parameters (OCLINK
Detailed Settings Result)] screen appears.
If the OS Kind is changed, mapping information is deleted.