Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.4 Host Interface Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
391 Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
3Create LUN Mapping information.
To set using [Set Range]
This creates LUN Mapping information for a sequential set of LUNs on the FC-CA Port or
iSCSI-CA Port.
(1)Select the [Set Range] radio button.
(2)Select the first and last LUNs from the list box to create LUN Mapping information to
sequential LUNs.
(3)Enter the starting Logical Volume number in the text box for multiple allocations.
(4)Click the [Execute] button to create LUN Mapping information consisting of LUNs and
Logical Volume numbers in the lower part of the screen.
If there is already LUN Mapping information, it will be replaced by the LUN Mapping
information specified in the above procedures.
To add/change/delete manually
Enter the Open Volume number corresponding to the LUN, or delete the entered value, in
the Volume# text box.
(1)Input directly or delete the Logical Volume number in [Volume#] in the lower part of the
screen and update the LUN Mapping information which consists of LUNs and the
Logical Volume numbers.