Chapter 6 Settings Menu
> 6.3 Advanced Copy Settings
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
474 Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
3Click the [OK] button.
Returns to the [Menu] screen.
End of procedure
6.3.7 Set REC Buffer
This function executes settings to copy data via REC Buffer.
When copying via REC Buffer, I/Os to multiple REC sessions are stored in the REC Buffer for a
specific period of time and copy them in blocks. This enables mirroring the whole database,
which was impossible under existing conditions, and speeds up the copy process during REC
execution in remote locations thousands of kilometers apart. Note that a REC Buffer shortage
may occur when there is a bad network situation or large amount of data updating. Assign the
REC Disk Buffer to the REC Buffer as a temporarily saving destination for copy data to avoid
these situations.
The REC Buffer can be used only when the device is connected to an open system host (REC
Asynchronous Consistency Mode).
In the following cases, an error screen appears.
-When either [MODEL], [SER No.], or [CC] is not entered and
the [Set] button is clicked.
-When entered value of [MODEL], [SER No.], and/or [CC] are
out of range.
-When the license number is wrong.
Contact your maintenance engineer if an error occurs when the
information on the license label is input correctly in the text box.
When a REC Buffer is set while logging on, th e [S e t R E C B u ff e r
(Updating Configuration Information)] screen appears.
Before changing a REC Buffer, REC sessions which are using the
relevant REC Buffer must be suspended.
Before deleting a REC Buffer, REC sessions which are using the
relevant REC Buffer must be suspended.
When copying data via REC Buffer, a REC Buffer needs to be setup on
both the copy source and copy destination. Make sure that the sizes of
the copy source and copy destination REC Buffers are the same, as the
excess capacity of the larger REC Buffer over the smaller will not be