ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
816 Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Appendix B Notes on Access via https
This appendix describes how to solve the https access error with different browsers.
For Internet Explorer 6.0
Register the server certificate using the following procedure, then start the ETERNUSmgr back-
end program.
1Input URL in the Web browser's address bar.
Specify "https://device_IP_address/".
A [Security Alert] dialog box appears.
2Click the [View Certificate] button in the [Security Alert] dialog box.
The [Certificate] dialog box appears.
This server certificate registration procedure only needs to be performed
once, not every logon.
However, a [Security Alert] dialog box may continue to appear even
after certificate registration. In this case, click the [Yes] button (Step 2) to
proceed with the logon process.
The [Security Alert] dialog box will appear until the server certificate
has been registered.