ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
448 Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 6 Settings Menu
This chapter describes the functions of the Settings menu.

6.1 Setting Configuration

6.1.1 Set Configuration

This function sends and applies configuration/setting information exported using the [Export
Configuration] function, configuration/setting information recorded in the device (1 time before or
2 times before), or the latest configuration information in the device.
Do not execute this function during host access or during the Advanced
Copy session (EC/OPC/REC).
When [Set Configuration] is performed for an ETERNUS DX8100/
DX8400/DX8700 that has Mainframe or MVV volumes, the volume
management area is disabled, and performance may be temporarily
Power Off/On of the ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series is necessary to
make the configuration information set by this function effective. The set
configuration becomes effective after rebooting the ETERNUS DX400/
DX8000 series.
When selecting "Initialize", it is necessary to format all volumes after
power Off/On the system. Volumes which have not been formatted
cannot be used. Formatting is required for Thin Provisioning Pools even
if no Thin Provisioning Volumes are created.
When a volume exists during encryption, [Set Configuration] cannot be
executed. Execute again after encryption is completed.
In the following conditions, [Set Configuration] cannot be executed.
-When an error occurs in the configuration information.
-When the model setting in the configuration information and the
actual ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series model do not match.
-When the encryption conditions (encrypted/non-encrypted) for each
volume in the configuration information and the actual ETERNUS
DX400/DX8000 series do not match.
-When the "GS License" is not registered, but the configuration
information contains a Mainframe volume or MVV volume.