Quantum Scale System
Glossary of Common Terms
By Count
Fixed Weight Item
Fixed Weight - By Count PLU
Flashkey Home Group
Fluid Ounce Item
Fractional Pricing
This feature automatically looks up the product after a set number of digits has been entered. This feature is configured in Scale Setup by your Supervisor.
An item which is priced by the number of items per package rather by weight (i.e., 3 for $1.00)
A way of grouping similar items. A typical Class Structure is found in the Supervisor Manual.
An item priced by a
An item normally sold by a specific weight, but in this case, sold by count (i.e., 2 - 16 oz. loaves of bread for $.79)
A Softkey used to provide a descriptive
This is the first Flashkey Screen you come to after pressing [ENTER] on the Start a Run Screen. It can be different for each scale in the department or store.
An item sold by the Fluid Ounce (i.e.,
Allows you to price items by the 1/4 or 1/2 pound or by 100 grams if operating in the metric mode. This pricing mode is determined by your Supervisor and configured by a Hobart technician during scale setup. This mode is disabled if Pounds for Pricing is enabled.
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