Quantum Scale System
Operator Manual Overview
This manual will use the following methods to explain keystrokes and data entry procedures:
♦The word PRESS means to press a key on the Control Panel.
♦The word TYPE means to press a series of keys on the Control Panel and press [ENTER].
♦The word SELECT means to choose an item from the display, using the Function Keys or Flashkeys.
♦The word ENTER means to press the [ENTER] key on the Control Panel.
♦Words in uppercase enclosed in brackets (for example [ENTER]) represent specific keys.
The following special instructions are used in the manual:
A note is information that you need to know, but it is not an actual step in the procedures.
A tip is additional information that may be useful when you are using the scale system.
Look At This
Look At This is information to alert you that you may be doing something that will permanently alter your scale system.
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