TTRigger (TTRace) Subsystem



Command:MACHine{12}:TTRigger:TERM <term_id>, <label_name>,<pattern>

The TERM command allows you to a specify a pattern recognizer term in the specified machine. Each command deals with only one label in the given term; therefore, a complete specification could require several commands. Since a label can contain 32 or fewer bits, the range of the pattern value will be between 232 1 and 0. When the value of a pattern is expressed in binary, it represents the bit values for the label inside the pattern recognizer term. Since the pattern parameter may contain don’t cares and be represented in several bases, it is handled as a string of characters rather than a number.

Eight of the 10 terms (A through G and I) are available (terms H and J are not available) to either machine but not both simultaneously. If you send the TERM command to a machine with a term that has not been assigned to that machine, an error message "Legal command but settings conflict" is returned.

<term_id> {ABCDEFGI}

<label_name> string of up to 6 alphanumeric characters

<pattern> "{#B{01X} . . . #Q{01234567X} . . . #H{0123456789ABCDEFX} . . . {0123456789} . . . }"




A,’DATA’,’255’ "




B,’ABC’,’#BXXXX1101’ "




