Programming the HP 16554A/ HP 16555A/HP 16555D

Mainframe Commands

STOP Command

The STOP command stops the specified module. If the specified module is configured as part of an intermodule run, STOP will stop all associated modules.

STARt and STOP are overlapped commands. Overlapped commands allow execution of subsequent commands while the logic analyzer operations initiated by the overlapped command are still in progress. For more information, see *OPC and *WAI commands in Chapter 5 of the

HP 16500/16501A Programmer’s Guide.

RMODe Command/query

The RMODe command specifies the run mode (single or repetitive) for a module. If the selected module is configured for intermodule, the intermodule run mode will be set by this command. The RMODe query returns the current setting.

SYSTem:ERRor? Query

The SYSTem:ERRor query returns the oldest error in the error queue. In order to return all the errors in the error queue, a simple FOR/NEXT loop can be written to query the queue until all errors are returned. Once all errors are returned, the query will return zeros.

SYSTem:PRINt Command/query

The SYSTem:PRINt command initiates a print of the screen or listing buffer over the current printer communication interface. The SYSTem:PRINt query sends the screen or listing buffer data over the current controller communication interface.

MMEMory Subsystem

The MMEMory Subsystem provides access to both internal disc drives for loading and storing configurations.

INTermodule Subsystem

The INTermodule Subsystem commands are used to specify intermodule arming between multiple modules.


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HP 16555A, 16555D, 16554A manual Stop Command