CO (Console): Leave the Main Menu and enter console mode

CO switches the console terminal from the MP Main Menu to mirrored/redirected console mode. All console output is mirrored to all users in console mode. Only one of the mirrored users at a time has write access to the console. To get console write access, press Ctrl-Ecf.

Press either Ctrl-Bor Esc and ( to return to the iLO 2 MP command interface. Verify that all mirrored consoles are of the same terminal type for proper operation.

To run an ASCII screen-oriented application (SAM) or a file transfer program (ftp), the console is not the recommended connection. HP recommends using the LAN and connecting directly with telnet or the web to the system over the system LAN.

VFP (Virtual Front Panel): Simulate the display panel

VFP simulates the display panel on the front of the server. It gives realtime feedback on the results of system events and user actions. VFP works by decoding system events. It provides a live display of major states of the system, the latest system activity, and the state of front panel LEDs.

VFP shows forward progress during boot by indicating how many events have been received since the boot started and whether there have been any errors (events with alert level 3 or greater) since the last boot. To clear the yellow attention indicator on the front of the system, use the SL command and access the System Event Log (SEL).

Each user viewing VFP is in private session mode.

See also: LOC (locator LED) and, SL (show logs).

CM (Command Mode): Enter command mode

CM switches the console terminal from the MP Main Menu to mirrored command interface mode. The Command menu provides you with a set of standard command line interface commands that help monitor and manage the server.

To display the list of MP command mode commands that are not displayed in the MP Main Menu , follow these steps:

1.From the MP Main Menu , enter HE.

2.Enter LI after the MP HELP:> prompt.

If a command is in progress, a system status message appears.

To return to the MP Main Menu , press CTRL-B.

SMCLP (Server Management Command Line Protocol): Switch to the SMASH SMCLP

SMCLP switches the console terminal from the MP Main Menu to the SMASH SMCLP interface. For information on SMASH SM CLP see “SMASH Server Management Command Line Protocol” (page 123).

CL (Console Log): View the history of the console output

CL displays up to 60 KB of logged console data (about 60 pages of display in text mode) sent from the system to the console path and stored for later analysis.

Console data is stored in a buffer in nonvolatile memory. By default, data is displayed from the beginning of the buffer to end of the buffer. You can control the starting point from which the data displays and navigate through the data.

An image of the console history appears when you enter the CL command. Console output continues to be logged while this buffer is read, and nothing is lost.

SL (Show Logs): View events in the log history

SL displays the contents of the event logs that are stored in nonvolatile memory.

Text User Interface


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HP Integrity iLO 2 MP 5991-6005 CO Console Leave the Main Menu and enter console mode, CM Command Mode Enter command mode