Problem and | Possible Solution | Service | Operator |
Symptom to |
| Manual | Manual |
Check |
Bright Red, Green | Adjust ILA® Assembly Bias | 3.6 | 4.10 |
or Blue area on | and SHADING. |
screen limited to |
corners or edge. |
Gray scale green in | Subtract Green SENSITIVITY offset, |
| 4.10, 4.11 |
bright levels. | add Red and Blue. |
Gray scale red in | Subtract Red SENSITIVITY offset, |
bright levels. | add Green and Blue. |
Gray scale blue in | Subtract Blue SENSITIVITY offset, |
bright levels. | add Green and Red. |
| |
problems |
Out of focus blurry | Clean oily spot off CRT, Prism, or |
area on image | Projection lens. |
limited to R, G, |
or B. |
Small dark line or | Scratch in optics or CRT burn. |
dot in R, G, or B |
image. |
Bubbles in R, G, or | Replace affected ILA® assembly. | 4.12 |
B image. |
Image Ghost on | Replace | 4.7, 4.12 |
video. | assembly. |
Reversed ghost | If projecting through glass, prevent |
image on screen. | light |
| from reflecting back into the |
| lens |
Picture lacks depth | Adjust Contrast and Brightness. |
| 4.12.1, |
of field. |
| 4.12.2 |
Video jitter and | Replace Video Processor Board. | 4.11 |
noise. |
Video jitter present | Replace Raster Timing Generator. | 4.11 |
at only one |
source. |
Video image is not | Level projector or rotate CRT | 3.2 |
level. | Yoke. |
Black band at top of | Remove air bubbles from Prism. |
video. |
Model 330, 340SC, and 370SC Service Manual |